History - First Visit of Australian Governor-General of Afghanistan, Kabul 1975

First visit of Australian Head of State of Afghanistan, Governor-General Sir John Kerr visiting President Mohammad Daud||

In countries' bilateral relationship, history always matters. The Afghan-Australian relationship goes beyond a century, when the first cameleers group landed in Australia in 1860s. The first political relationship started in 1969, when the Australian Government assigned its first non-resident High Commissioner for Afghanistan from Rawalpindi, former capital of Pakistan, Mr. L. H. Border, MVO. 

The first visit by a Head of State of Australia was in March 1975. The Governor-General Sir John Kerr, visited Kabul on 7 March 1975 and met the President and Prime Minister Mohammad Daoud. 

Sir John Kerr also met the Deputy Prime Minister, Dr. Mohammad Hassan Sharq, the Minister of Commerce, Deputy Foreign Minister, the Governors of Balkh and Kabul among other senior officials. 

The Governor-General leaves Kabul on 8 March 1975 to Tehran. 



Last modified on Tuesday, 23/07/2019

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